a picture on a comedy website about an unhappy couple
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After you get married, its basically a shot clock on how long you can last before the buzzer sounds (death). If you take a shot early, people will think you’re a ball hog. If you wait until last minute, you might not get a 2nd-chance rebound and will die alone.

Attending another wedding can really stir up a lot of different thoughts in your head.

Here are a few thoughts that inevitably cross the married person’s mind while at another couple’s wedding:

  1. Watching other people take their vows is a great reminder of how your spouse has disappointed you
  2. See #1
  3. See #2
  4. Ugh, is your husband really going eat a 2nd piece of cake?
  5. Ugh, is your wife eating a single piece of cake?
  6. Are divorces performed in the church too?
  7. See #3
  8. Stop eating f*cking cake!!!
  9. Google #6
  10. I wonder if the best man thinks I’m pretty
  11. I know the maid of honor is into me, the only un-attractive part of me is my wife.
  12. If I didn’t have kids I would be skinnier.
  13. If I didn’t have kids I would leave my spouse.
  14. Screw it, I’m going to eat cake.
  15. Today is the absolute peak of the marriage for the bride and groom lol
  16. Cry about #4
  17. Plan on re-marrying

Enjoy wedding season my convenant-chained bebs! 


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