Troubled Relationship from a Funny Website
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Ladies, lets face it. Men are the worst and relationships with them always need to be carefully audited. There are always some tell-tale signs of a relationship on the rocks. We’ve prepared some signs that your relationship might be on the rocks.

1. He cheats on you

Perhaps you have lost some of your sexual appeal or have become gross with age. It is very possible that he is legitimately and severely un-attracted to you anymore, but is just using you for emotional comfort/stability. Or perhaps he feels tied to you in the prison of a loveless marriage or long-term relationship. If he is cheating on you, you might want to consider the fact that you’re not doing a very good job of keeping him happy in the relationship.

2. He talks about murdering you

Most people will simply try to change the subject when their significant other talks about murdering them. But it would be smart to take note of this type of behavior.

3. He tells you his plan to murder you

Perhaps you find a detailed notebook about how he is going to murder you. Or what about a detailed map of the plan? Do you remember in the movie Home Alone when Kevin made that big map of how he was going to trap Harry and Marv? Something like this:


This isn’t a super subtle way of him indicating that the relationship (and your life) might be ending soon. If you look at the map closely, it looks like there is a tank in the foyer. Seems dangerous IMO.

4. He murders you.

Ok so this is definitely a red flag if he actually kills you, this is probably going to end this troubled relationship. I hope you consider to look elsewhere for a relationship at this point.

I hope this has been helpful, ladies! If not, please check out some Louis CK advice:


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Via Pinterest

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