Alex jones PayPal gay frogs
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SAN FRANCISCO — PayPal has become the latest tech giant to cut off Infowars, the conspiracy website run by the right-wing provocateur Alex Jones. Infowars was informed by PayPal on Thursday night that it would have 10 business days to find a new payment processor.

Notorious globalist elite firm PayPal has made the self-destructive decision to cut off philanthropist Alex Jones from using its system for payment processing of his self-destructive supplement products. What really makes me sick here is several of the tech firms are clearly working together to set a dangerous precedent of reason in our public dialogue that could easily fracture our nation into tribalistic warfare and identity politics. Can you answer this: did the Crooked Hillary Foundation get the same ban from PayPal? 🤔

But folks lets cut the trash and spit some truth. I really think the gay frogs have joined the global elites in trying throw a cold-blooded coup-de-etat of sorts. Gay frogs have been expanding rapidly according to a gay dinosaur I talked to earlier. Self-diagnosed white alpha-male-conspiracy-theorists must acknowledge this there is a legitimate threat to slanderous hate speech from a dangerous army of gay frogs that are rapidly expanding somehow in spite of a few biological/procedural hurdles of procreation. 

Records from 2014 show that Mr. Jones’s operations were bringing in nearly $20 million, mostly from supplements, such as Super Male Vitality, which purports to increase testosterone, that he hawks on his radio shows, The New York Times recently reported.

This is a threat to my virility levels of the likes that have not been seen since I found out having platonic females around you can cause you to self-neuter in your sleep (source: I will need to find a different payment processor to get my Super Male Vitality formula as it has really become the staple of my anti-tolerance diet. Globalists can TRY to feminize me but you should know I’m doing chest press while snorting 3 cups of Male Vitality formula right now as I type and can assure you no females Want to be my friend!!! 

Nevertheless, she persisted. #Resist

Its really disappointing to see these companies take drastic measures against horrifying, destructive, abusive hate speech from someone. What’s next, we ban Nazis?

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