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Welp you guys the Socialist Federal Government is At it again and National Rifles Associationn (NWA) are under heat from libs and socialists again . Pop quiz for you libs, how Many Times does Crooked Hillary commit crime and we Not lock her up? But we don’t give Our own high School Math teachers or lunch ladies even A .45 or Semi Automatic for protection? Hmmm. If FBI was doing Their Job on Hilary They wouldn’t be attacking 2nd Amenment , its really sad to Think about crooked Hilary your Not getting my Guns nice Try the PEOPLE elected Donald Trump!

I keep hearing weak fake news making narrative that it’s all “Mental” health as if people can control minds. Last time we tried to read minds was Mel Gibson in What Women’s Want and He turned out to be anti-symetric.

“Mental Health” policy coverage is a CNN Liberal hidden secrets tax Of Obama policy that is excuse for the week who don’t want to recognize freedoms. Sure I’ve had a few consistent Years occasionally crying for no Reason and then drinking for hours alone because of Loneliness I miss my dead wife Blanche and then Feel angry about til I shoot weapons In backyard but my taxation money for mental health Money for someones Emotions? Toughen Up These are not participation trophy country it’s not what we were founded on.

Gun Learning must start younger as I did it young and am now an expert. I was given a gun young When I was 8 from my dad who is Dead now from gun accident and I have killed Sixteen bobcats and only shot one time myself on my foot by mistake the math doesn’t add up to take away freedoms.

Socialism Members are say NWA members are un-responsible but I am currently cleaning stroking my AR-1 5 RIGH T Now , in One hand And Typing other hand .! Tell me how a gun responsible person could do that skills. I bet snowflake Libs can’t even chew gum and clean a gun at same time Smh or do it With liberal tearS HAH! I even use my Colt magnum handgun to clean stuff out my teeth After Seniors Night at Black Eyed Peas and eat Popcorn and bring my Bazooka to my cousin Geoff’s diner outside 1 hours from Waxahachie .

Lets cut to the chase, European socialists are moving in at alarming rates. It feels a Little too familiar hmmm 1776 British Europe Socialsm and Independence Day Ring a bell? Its the bell of freedom in Philadelphia Made by Benjamen Franklin and it is TIME to bring back our Militia together to fight Against European liberal communisms. I ‘m setting up a militia meeting and mixer at Cracker BArrell on Interstate 20 next the one down the Block from my cousin Randys house with The tree on front yard next week Wednesday at 3 pm.  If you Bring your ID we can have Seniors Discount 15 % off make sure Your rifles are in safety Mode when you see The hostess .The the groups name is LOCKHERUP for see you then fellow PATRIOTS.

P.S> My Friend Ed posted this On Facebook about Fake News CNN Makes you think! George Soros Is a Puppet Master imo ?

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